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National Technological University, NTU has partnered with a top blockchain, Algorand 

The premier blockchain, Algorand, and the National Technological University, which is rated 19th in the world university rankings, have announced a cooperation.

This comes from the $50 million Algorand Center of Excellence (ACE) grant for prestigious colleges and research universities. The money will be applied to developing blockchain technology in numerous places.

The Technical University of Munich, Monash University in Australia, and Yale are further institutions that are mentioned.

According to a news release from the university, ACE@NTU will assist the institution in becoming the centre for blockchain education and research as well as promote a dynamic ecosystem.

There will be five initial blockchain research projects, which will include:

SGverse – metaverse platform

Two projects on blockchain interpretation for enterprise use

Blockchain-powered machine learning for financial data management

Through a new Master of Science in Blockchain and an undergraduate Minor in Blockchain, NTU will also seek to train emerging talents.

Only the university was chosen as an ACE lead organization in Asia.

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