Blockchain News

Treasury Official: Privacy Should be Considered in ‘Potential Retail CBDC’ 

According to a United States Treasury official, privacy and anonymous transactions are crucial factors that should be considered when designing a digital dollar..

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Latest News

[Feature] Pro-Crypto vs. Anti-Crypto: To Regulate or to Ban?

Cryptocurrency has been a hotly debated topic for years now, with some hailing it as the future of finance and others viewing it.

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Blockchain News

Litecoin Has Potential to Rally 700% Against Bitcoin, Says its Creator Charlie Lee

According to its founder, Charlie Lee, Litecoin ($LTC), a cryptocurrency that is sometimes referred to as the silver to Bitcoin’s gold, has the.

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Latest News

CFTC Commissioner: Crypto Companies Should ‘Distance’ Themselves From Anonymity Tech

Christy Goldsmith Romero, commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, recently delivered a discussion on cryptocurrency in London, focusing on the criminal financial.

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Latest News

Social Media May Spell the End of Default On-Chain Privacy – But There’s a Fix

Beyond the ever-expanding collection of public blockchains that serve as the industry’s permanent record, Twitter serves as the town square for open discourse,.

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Bitcoin News

US Presidential Candidate Opposes Fed’s CBDC Plans, Says It Will Pave Way for Banning and Seizing Bitcoin

A presidential contender in the United States is opposing the Federal Reserve’s idea to develop a central bank digital currency (CBDC), claiming that.

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Bitcoin News

Is Bitcoin’s Lightning Network Adoption in Jeopardy – Liquidity and Risk Issues Loom Large

The Lightning Network has emerged as the technological solution to Bitcoin’s scalability problem over the last five years. However, its growth has been.

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Latest News

The Battle for Control: How Governments Are Responding to the Rise of Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies safeguard transactions and manage coin generation using encryption. They function autonomously from central banks and financial organizations. Governments worry about cryptocurrency threats.

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Latest News

Australian Tax Authority (ATO) Sees Your Cryptocurrency Transactions

For taxation purposes, cryptocurrencies are regarded as property. As a result, transactions involving cryptocurrencies are exactly like any other investment subject to capital.

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