Blockchain News

Web 3.0 Governance: Moving Beyond Token-Based Models

Web 3.0 drives a paradigm shift towards decentralized and resilient governance, challenging traditional top-down structures. However, token-based governance models often fail to align.

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Blockchain News

Polkadot Unveils OpenGov: Empowering the Community for Autonomous Decision-Making

In a significant move to enhance its decision-making process, Polkadot, a blockchain network posing a challenge to Ethereum (ETH), has introduced OpenGov—a decentralized.

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A Match Made in Austin: How Supermoon Brought NEAR Builders Together.

How NEAR HOUSE by Supermoon Became a Hit Among Builders: Podcasts, Roundtables, and Non-stop Collaboration.   NEAR HOUSE CONSENSUS has come again, leaving.

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NEAR HOUSE by Supermoon: Assembling Top Builders at Consensus 2023

Supermoon Camp‘s NEAR HOUSE is set to host a highly anticipated, five-day event during Consensus 2023 in Austin. The exclusive gathering will bring.

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Latest News

Arbitrum Proposal to Return 700 million ARB Fails by Overwhelming Majority

AIP 1.05, a contentious Arbitrum Improvement Proposal aimed at returning 700 million ARB governance tokens, was defeated by an overwhelming majority. 118 million.

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Blockchain News

Controversy Surrounds Arbitrum Token Sale as 77% Disapprove: Is the Platform’s DAO Governance Truly Effective?

On a Sunday, questions about Arbitrum’s governance are being raised after its centralized, self-titled foundation sold ARB tokens before the conclusion of a.

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