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Elon Musk Doesn’t Have 30% Ownership Stake In DOGE: Dogecoin Developer

Dogecoin developer Mishaboar dispels speculation on Elon Musk’s purported 30% ownership stake in DOGE. In a recent social media post, Mishaboar, a notable.

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Why is Dogecoin up by 12%?

According to CoinMarketCap data, the price of Dogecoin, the most popular Bitcoin parody, has increased by more than 12% in the last 24.

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The price of Dogecoin is expected to be lower in 2022 than it was in February

According to Finder’s panel of 33 cryptocurrency and fintech experts, Dogecoin will end the year at US$0.163, a fraction of a penny less.

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The Dogecoin Core Developer explains why he is “Stepping Away From Dogecoin.”

The Dogecoin Foundation’s director, who is also a main developer for the popular crypto project, recently stated why he needs to minimize his.

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