Blockchain News

Another Dormant Ethereum Wallet Reawakens after 8 Years, Moving Millions

After eight years of lethargy, an Ether $1,897 wallet that had been idle since Ethereum’s ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in 2015 has suddenly.

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Blockchain News

Reviving FTX: Plans to Restart Bankrupt Crypto Exchange Gain Momentum

A recent staffing and compensation report filed with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware revealed that plans to resurrect.

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Blockchain News

Long-Dormant Dogecoin ($DOGE) Address Revived After Nearly a Decade of Inactivity

After 9.3 years, an inactive dogecoin ($DOGE) address of 1,556,994 DOGE ($123,155) has resurfaced. Dogecoin, the creation of Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer,.

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