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Zimbabwe Has Plan To Launch ‘Structured Currency’ Linked to Gold

Zimbabwe plans to launch what it calls a “structured currency” linked to Gold, according to the finance minister. However, some commentators and social.

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Zimbabwe uses a digital token backed by gold as a means of payment

When it comes to the introduction of the new project by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe in April, one can’t help but notice.

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Blockchain News Latest News

The Inevitable Decline of the US Dollar: Maduro Highlights Global Shift

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro recently emphasized that the world is experiencing an unstoppable decline in the global use of the US dollar. In.

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Zimbabwe Sells Millions of Gold-backed Crypto Tokens Despite IMF Warning

Despite a warning from the International Monetary Fund, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has sold 14 billion Zimbabwean dollars worth of gold-backed digital.

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Zimbabwe Finance Minister Motivate Bitcoin Investments Among Its Country’s Citizens

Adoption cryptocurrency grows more as it gains the mainstream’s attention around the world. Africa is a known region for massive crypto adoption. Even.

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