
Crypto News

The Attorney General of New York is suing DCG, Genesis, and Gemini for allegedly scamming investors.

The New York Attorney General, Letitia James, has unveiled a damning indictment against several cryptocurrency companies – Gemini, Genesis, and Digital Currency Group (DCG). The accusation revolves around an alleged scheme that swindled investors out of a staggering sum exceeding $1 billion.

The lawsuit, initiated by New York’s Attorney General, has zeroed in on these cryptocurrency entities, namely Gemini, Genesis, and DCG, for purportedly orchestrating a grand deception that left more than 23,000 investors, among them 29,000 residents of New York, nursing a loss surpassing the billion-dollar mark.

A comprehensive investigation conducted by Letitia James’ office has laid bare a trail of deceit. Gemini stands accused of falsely representing its Gemini Earn investment program, a joint venture with Genesis. It had assured investors that the program bore minimal risk, but inquiries have unveiled the volatile nature of Genesis’ financial standing.

“The lawsuit contends that Gemini was privy to the precarious state of Genesis’ loans, which were often inadequately secured and frequently tied to a single entity – Sam Bankman-Fried’s Alameda. This pertinent information, however, was concealed from the investing public.”

The legal action does not spare Genesis, its former CEO Soichiro Moro, the parent company DCG, or its CEO, Barry Silbert, all accused of participating in an elaborate scheme to obscure losses that amounted to more than $1.1 billion.

The litigation seeks to not only banish Gemini, Genesis, and DCG from the financial investment landscape in New York but also to secure restitution for affected investors and the disgorgement of unlawfully obtained profits.

In a statement, New York’s Attorney General underscored the magnitude of the losses endured by “ordinary, hardworking individuals.”

“The heart-wrenching reality is that diligent New Yorkers and investors nationwide suffered losses exceeding a billion dollars, lured by blatant falsehoods that their investments in Gemini Earn were safe and would flourish.”

James further censured Gemini for concealing the genuine risks tied to its association with Genesis, and she did not spare the broader cryptocurrency industry, characterizing this deception as “yet another instance of bad actors inflicting harm in the under-regulated cryptocurrency sector.”

It is pertinent to mention that both Genesis and Gemini were previously embroiled in a lawsuit from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in January 2023, alleging the unregistered offering of securities through the Earn program.

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