
Bitcoin News

Will Square make any Bitcoin purchases?

Square appears to be content with its Bitcoin holdings as of now. Though Square is not visiting its Bitcoin allocation, it is still

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Bitcoin News

Can harnessing renewable energy help miners

Crypto industry brass explains that harnessing renewable energy could help the BTC miners. Bitcoin mining through renewable energy is already prominent. Popular Topics

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Blockchain News

BME is ready to test its blockchain infrastructure

The Spanish stock exchange got prepared to test its blockchain-based SME financing system. The stock exchange is moving forward with further tests according

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Blockchain News

Is Azure Blockchain Service no longer a thing?

Microsoft is quietly closing down its Azure blockchain in September. However, it is giving its existing customers just four months for the transition

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Latest News

Singapore bank launching crypto trust solutions

DBS private bank Singapore’s biggest bank is about to launch Crypto trust solutions. Moreover, the bank posted tenfold Crypto volume growth in Q1

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Latest News

World’s first Shariah-guided decentralized finance platform

Sharia guides the new Australian Islamic finance DeFi platform. However, Islamic finance is not always compatible with DeFi’s focus on risk and yield.

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Latest News

The third-richest Arab country joins hands with JPMorgan Chase.

The central bank of Bahrain and JP Morgan are going to work on a digital currency settlement pilot. Bahrain’s Central Bank expects digital

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Latest News

The BOK’s plea for powers to police crypto trading volume

Bank of Korea wants to monitor all the Crypto trading activities. Moreover, it cites various kinds of monetary risks involved. Thus, South Korea’s

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Latest News

Sotheby’s has completed its cryptocurrency-enabled auction.

Sotheby’s Crypto-powered auction sold Banksy art for $13M. The auction firm initially estimated that Banksy’s “Love is in the Air” gets sold for

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Latest News

China’s ongoing development of the digital yuan

Hong Kong is about to expand Pilots for cross-border use of the digital yuan. According to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the first

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