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Filebase Intends to Assimilate Filecoin

Filebase is a blockchain-based object storage company. Filebase is built on the top of the Sia network. They have revealed that the business

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Bitcoin News

Is Jim Rogers Still Worried About Government Banning Bitcoin?

Jim Rogers, a veteran investor, co-founded the Quantum Fund with investor George Soros. Roger is still worried about government outlawing Bitcoin along with

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Justin Sun’s Bombastic approach may underpin his success

Justin sun is outspoken, raucous, and bombastic. But when it comes to his public persona, will his publicity stunts be part and parcel

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Sevilla is becoming a Crypto-friendly City.

In Spain, the city Sevilla is becoming a Crypto-friendly city, with two prominent local hotels announcing that they will start accepting Crypto payments.

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Bitcoin News

Did Bitcoin pass the risk of the US ban?

Bitcoin has become too interwoven into the world for a ban to be plausible. The Crypto space began in 2009 with Bitcoins Inception.

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United Kingdom legislators are trying to combat the rise of financial “greenwashing.”

The lawmakers need precise definitions of green energy. Moreover, the UK legislators have asked for higher regulatory powers as they are trying to

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Coinbase Global shares will continue trading in Frankfurt

Coinbase shares can continue trading on two European trading venues, as the coding errors with the cryptocurrency platform got resolved. Coinbase had faced

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Forth is now live on

Starting from Wednesday, April 21st, FORTH is live on Coinbase. All the Coinbase supported jurisdictions except New York State are supporting FORTH. We

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Crypto Holders likely to face an Exit Window – Old Transactions taken under scanner

The Government proposed Cryptocurrency legalization, which can likely ban digital currencies. The Government may provide an exit for all crypto holders from private

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Latest News

If India can land on a Pro-Crypto policy, are there chances to become a tech powerhouse for Innovation?

The evolution of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin holds significant economic importance, like that of the internet during the 90s. India appears to be a

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