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BitMEX CEO Released From Custody After Payment of $5M Bond

The former chief technology officer of the troubled BitMEX exchange has been released from custody after a bond for $5 million was paid in the U.S.

The news was made public in a document from the District Court of Massachusetts. In the document, Reed pledged to appear in court and comply with sentencing or risk the loss of the bond.

He was arrested in Massachusetts on Oct. 1, as the U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the Department of Justice both announced charges against BitMEX, one of the biggest crypto derivatives trading platforms, and its senior executives.

The charges include offering illegal trading of derivatives to U.S. retail investors and violating the Bank Secrecy Act.

Thursday, BitMEX’s parent firm 100x Group announced that its CEO Arthur Hayes and Reed – both founders – had both stepped down from their management positions following the charges.

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