
Bitcoin Scammers
Bitcoin News

Bitcoin Scammers Rename Jon Prosser’s YouTube Channel As ‘Nasa’

Bitcoin Scammers (Courtesy: Linkedin)

Bitcoin scammers have spread quite a bit of chaos in the present scenario. To fraud users, they have now targeted the YouTube channel of Jon Prosser, which had more than 262K subscribers. The hack was carried out to con subscribers into a free Bitcoin giveaway scam.

On Wednesday, a tweet by Jon Prosser, said that his YouTube channel was hacked by bad actors who changed the name to “NASA [news]” and began live streaming a fake Bitcoin (BTC) giveaway video featuring SpaceX’s Elon Musk.

“Hackers have made $4,000 in Bitcoin so far,” said Prosser. “YouTube tells me I need to fill out a form and wait ‘a few weeks.’” 

Not only that, the scammers also deleted the seven years’ worth of Front Page Tech’s videos. However, in a bid to recovery, YouTube took down Jon Prosser’s channel with 262K subscribers after hackers used it to promote a free Bitcoin giveaway scam.

And his channel was not the only one to be hacked this week as their were cases of Rod Breslau, a gaming consultant for Sony Music Entertainment, and several others streamed live videos of SpaceX offering BTC giveaways. 

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