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Collaboration with TomNToms’s NFT Aggregator Markets ‘HEYST’ and ‘Chainlink’

Coffee shop Tom N Toms’ aggregator market known as ‘HEYST’ made the announcement that it has adopted the Chainlink solution to its platform by working together with the company known as ‘Chainlink’ in order to become more competitive in the market.

Users will find it more convenient to trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs) listed in many NFT marketplaces on the “HEYST” platform, which is expected to launch in the middle of December. This platform will open in mid-December.

Its strength is in the fact that it is possible to check new NFT projects in real time thanks to the minting calendar feature it provides. Additionally, it is able to check the lowest NFT transaction pricing per exchange at a glance.

Chainlink is an industry-standard Web3 service platform that enables trillions of dollars in smart contracts across key sectors like as non-fungible tokens (NFT), finance, insurance, and games. It currently ranks 21st in the world’s virtual asset market value. The following are the synergistic impacts that HEYST anticipates to result from their collaboration with Chainlink.

An official from HEYST of Tom N Toms, which is a coffee franchise that was formed by a café, said that “We were able to construct a viable blockchain system by working closely with Chainlink, which is famed for its high security level and simplicity of use.” I would ask that you pay close attention to the reports coming out of HEYST, since they will provide potential remedies.