Blockchain News

Swedish central bank will experiment with using retail CBDC for immediate payments

According to a press release, Sveriges Riksbank, the central bank of Sweden, is collaborating with its counterparts in Israel and Norway as well.

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South Africa (SARB) completes the technical proof of concept for the wholesale CBDC settlement system

The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has completed a technological proof-of-concept for the initiative, bringing the country one step closer to establishing its.

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The Bank of Israel (BOI) has stated that the adoption of CBDC will have no significant impact on the banking system

The Bank of Israel (BOI), Israel’s central bank, has stated that its examination of the planned digital shekel’s potential impact on banking stability.

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The Bank of Zambia expects to finish the CBDC study in Q4 of this year

In Q4 of 2022, the Zambian central bank aims to finish a research study on the benefits of implementing a central bank digital.

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Indian Government To Bring Crypto Regulations, Plans To Launch CBDC

The Indian government is going ahead with its digital rupee development. Also, it wants to launch its first pilot test next year. Particularly,.

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China’s ongoing development of the digital yuan

Hong Kong is about to expand Pilots for cross-border use of the digital yuan. According to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the first.

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