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‘Crypto FUD’ — Industry Outraged as White House Report Slams Crypto

Crypto executives have expressed dissatisfaction with the latest White House economic report, which includes an entire chapter dedicated to questioning the value of.

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The Battle for Control: How Governments Are Responding to the Rise of Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies safeguard transactions and manage coin generation using encryption. They function autonomously from central banks and financial organizations. Governments worry about cryptocurrency threats.

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Blockchain News

Crypto Analyst Who Called 2018’s Market Bottom Predicts $FTM, $ETH, and $GRT Rallies

After correctly forecasting bitcoin’s 2018 bear market bottom over $3,000, a leading cryptocurrency strategist predicts Ethereum ($ETH), Fantom ($FTM), and The Graph ($GRT).

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Tyler Winklevoss Says ‘DeFi Revolution Is Upon Us’

Gemini Co-Founder Tyler Winklevoss, in a tweet, said that DeFi Revolution is upon us shortly after him firm announced that they users can.

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Blockchain News

NFT Gaining Prominence In Blockchain Gaming Industry

A non-fungible token (NFT) could be defined as a special cryptographic token which represents something unique. They are not mutually interchangeable. However, despite.

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Blockchain News

Know About How Tokenization of the Gaming Industry Certifies Players

Blockchain tech enactment will awfully disrupt its sealed investment held within the gaming business. The video game industries are in a booming stage.

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