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Can Finland Be Europe’s Next Crypto Mining Giant

Finland is emerging fast as an attractive place for crypto mining due to its relatively cool climate, which helps with cooling mining rigs,.

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Less Than 1% of Crypto Investors Declared Their Taxes to Authorities (Study)

According to Divly, a Swedish tax firm, only 0.53% of cryptocurrency investors worldwide paid taxes on their trades last year.  The average percentage.

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Study Claims 99.5% of Crypto Investors Did not Pay Taxes in 2022

The Swedish crypto tax service Divly has issued a new analysis estimating that only 0.53% of crypto investors worldwide would pay tax on.

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Finland’s Customs Agency Is Trying To Help Ukraine By Selling Confiscated Bitcoins

Finland has announced that it will donate “tens of millions” of euros raised from the sale of confiscated Bitcoin to help Ukraine financially..

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