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New Global Currency Designed To Ditch US Dollar, Avert Sanctions Emerging As BRICS Leaders Prepare To Meet: Report

A group of economically-aligned nations known as BRICS is reportedly hammering out the details on a new global currency designed to drop dependence.

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BRICS Economic Coalition Eyes New Global Currency as US Dollar Rival

The Chief Financial Officer of the New Development Bank (NDB) of the BRICS economic coalition, Leslie Maasdorp, revealed in a recent interview the.

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VTB Bank CEO Predicts Weakening US Dollar as Chinese Yuan Gains Momentum

According to the CEO of Russia’s VTB Bank, Andrey Kostin, the US dollar’s status as the dominant global currency is at risk due.

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BRICS Leader Says Talks on New Global Currency Incoming As Countries Question US Dollar Reliance: Report

South Africa’s foreign minister says a group of economically aligned nations known as the BRICS will investigate if a new global currency will.

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US Responds to Massive BRICS Expansion Effort As Nations Push to Launch Global Currency, Ditch Dollar

The BRICS nations, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are a bloc of economically similar countries that have been making.

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BRICS Global Currency Could Dislodge Dollar, Render US Sanctions Impotent: Ex-White House Economist

According to a former White House economic adviser, a BRICS-issued currency may challenge the US dollar’s supremacy in international commerce. According to Joseph.

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24 Nations Align Against US Dollar As BRICS Looks to Launch New Global Currency

There are currently 24 countries looking to form a strategic alliance that will compete with the United States dollar’s position as the reserve.

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