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Coinbase Resumes Operations Following Four Hours System Outage

Coinbase, a popular cryptocurrency exchange based in the United States, has successfully resumed operations after four long hours of system outage that seemed.

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Shrapnel To Permanently Ban Users Found Manipulating The System

Blockchain game Shrapnel has warned to permanently ban users caught manipulating  the system. Such manipulation includes using “teaming” and “account sharing” strategies to.

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South Korean Province Collects $4.6M In Taxes Using Crypto Tracking System

South Korean province of Gyeonggi is utilizing a clever new system to a clever new system to collect taxes from dodgers hiding their.

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Optimism To Halt ETH Withdrawals For Testing Upgraded Incident Response System

On February 15, the Optimism network will halt ETH token withdrawals to test an updated security response system. Withdrawals will not be possible for.

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