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North Korea launches a crypto-bomb at the United States, dubbing it the “King of Theft.”


North Korea has long dominated the news, not just because of its “habitual” ballistic missile launches (which irritate Uncle Sam and his allies), but also because of its penchant for (supposedly) stealing other countries’ crypto.

North Korea accused the US of stealing assets and engaging in underhanded cybercrime on Thursday (Feb. 10), only days after the UN accused Pyongyang of launching cyberattacks on cryptocurrency exchanges around the world.

North Korean officials claim that the US is a “hacking king,” a “wiretapping regime,” and a “covert stealing specialist.”

Refuting UN Claims of Crypto Theft

Despite the fact that the UN observers did not expressly name the United States. Also, they claimed that the information came from a “member nation”. Then, and mentioned data gathered by the American firm Chainalysis on supposed crypto raids.

According to EDaily, a South Korean news outlet, the North Korean foreign ministry refuted UN monitors’ claims that North Korean hackers stole more than $50 million between 2020 and 2021.

According to a report released last year, North Korea hacked $1.8 billion in cryptocurrency from different exchanges around the world.

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My Name is Will. I'm a News/Content Writer and SEO Expert. I have good way of using good English construction to write credible articles ranging from News Articles to Creative Writing all around Cryptocurrency Industry. I have actively worked and still working with Crypto startups and have maintained credibility in the Cryptocurrency space.