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Crypto tax law continues to face opposition in South Korea

Moon Jae-in, South Korea’s President, recently nominated Kim Boo-kyum as the Prime minister of South Korea. Prime Minister’s nominee is looking into the.

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India Likely To Impose Crypto Tax After Increase In Bitcoin Trading

The ban on cryptocurrency in India was lifted by the RBI barely 10 months ago. Now in a major move, it is understood.

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Xago Receives Investment From Capitec and Empowerment Capital

Xago, an innovative South African Fintech that focuses on an all-inclusive approach to moving money rapidly, has confirmed receipt of a substantial investment.

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US Department Of Justice Says Crypto Tax Evasion Criminal Offense

The US Attorney General’s Cyber Digital Task Force recently issued a comprehensive report outlining the United States’ framework for enforcement against cryptocurrency-related crimes. This report.

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