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‘Binance Is Not Paying Its Taxes In Multiple Jurisdictions,’ – CNBC Reporter

“What doesn’t look good is that Binance is not paying its taxes in multiple jurisdictions so a lot of countries are now taking.

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South Korean Province Collects $4.6M In Taxes Using Crypto Tracking System

South Korean province of Gyeonggi is utilizing a clever new system to a clever new system to collect taxes from dodgers hiding their.

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India Keeps Stiff Taxes On Crypto As Interim-Budget Is Revealed In Election Year

Expectations were low for a change in the stiff taxes imposed by India on crypto transactions: a 30% tax on profits and a.

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IRS Demands $24 Billion In Unpaid Taxes From FTX

FTX says IRS demand for $24 billion in unpaid taxes and this is delaying recovery of user funds. FTX lawyers are asking the.

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Blockchain News

US Government Faces Mounting Deficit: Will Taxes Rise?

The US government’s spending has surpassed its revenues by over a trillion dollars in just eight months of the current fiscal year. This.

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Blockchain News

Russian Tax Body Allows Citizens to Declare Crypto Earnings for Taxes

In a surprising move, the Russian Federal Tax Service (FTS) has stated that citizens can pay taxes on their cryptocurrency earnings, despite the.

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MetaMask firm Counters FUD, Says it Doesn’t Collect Taxes from Wallet Users

On May 21, ConsenSys, the company that owns the Ethereum wallet known as MetaMask, announced that it does not collect taxes from users.

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Is MetaMask Withholding Customers’ Crypto for Taxes? No, It’s Not

The maker of the cryptocurrency wallet MetaMask, ConsenSys, has shot down rumors that it taxed users of cryptocurrencies.  On May 22, the company.

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California DAO Bill Seeks to Provide Legal Clarity, A16z’s Jennings Said

As the fight for regulatory clarity for cryptocurrency continues at the federal level, a bill aimed at providing some of that clarity at.

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Less Than 1% of Crypto Investors Declared Their Taxes to Authorities (Study)

According to Divly, a Swedish tax firm, only 0.53% of cryptocurrency investors worldwide paid taxes on their trades last year.  The average percentage.

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