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3iQ, based in Canada, could be the first to create an Australian crypto ETF


The Australian Financial Review stated that last-minute delays to three Australian cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) may allow Toronto-based 3iQ Digital Asset Management to launch the country’s first such product.

Last Monday, the Canadian company filed disclosure documents with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to list the 3iQ CoinShares Bitcoin Feeder ETF and 3iQ CoinShares Ether Feeder ETF on the Cboe market in Australia.

The two products provide exposure to respective cryptocurrencies through units purchased on 3iQ’s current TSX-listed ETFs.

3iQ’s client base would be limited to self-managed superannuation (retirement) funds, according to documents filed with ASIC, which would limit its access but perhaps speed up the application process.

ETF Securities and Cosmos Asset Management, both based in Australia, had planned to debut three cryptocurrency ETFs on Cboe on April 27, but were hit with last-minute delays from downstream service providers.

There is no word on when the ETFs will be available.

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