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US House Rep. Approves Fresh Crypto Bill to Fight Illicit Finance, Forms Working Group

The US House of Representatives has passed a fresh crypto legislation, this time, to fight its use for illicit finance. The bipartisan financial.

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Kenya Passes Bill To Regulate And Tax Cryptocurrency

Kenya advances a bill to regulate and tax cryptocurrencies, aiming to provide clarity and prevent financial crimes in the digital currency market. Kenya.

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US Senator Introduces Bill To Protect Crypto Ownership Rights

U.S. Senator Ted Budd introduced the ‘Keep Your Coins Act’ to safeguard citizens’ rights to self-custody crypto.  The proposed bill aims to prohibit.

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Australia’s Proposed Crypto Bill Rejected by Legislators

The Australian Senate Economic Legislation Committee has rejected a crypto bill spearheaded by a pro-crypto politician, emphasizing the need for more refining. “The.

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If the crypto bill is approved, Russia might collect $13 billion in taxes

Russia is making progress on its crypto bill, with the Ministry of Finance requesting public input by the middle of next month to.

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In 2021, the US Congress introduced 35 crypto-related bills

In 2021, 35 legislation connected to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology were introduced in the United States Congress. In the United States, the year.

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Turkey president, Erdogan claims that a cryptocurrency bill is on its way to Parliament

As Turkey embarks on a fundamental overhaul of its cryptocurrency policy, Santa Claus may be granting the wishes of Turkish bitcoin enthusiasts. More.

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Infrastructure Bill to be voted on by the US House of Representatives, this week

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, said that the house would vote on adopting the contentious $1 trillion.

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India is rumoured to be considering a new bill that would treat cryptocurrency as a commodity

A recent article by The Economic Times speculates that the unclear legal status of cryptocurrencies in India will soon come to an end.

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Mike Flood introduced a Crypto friendly bill.

Nebraska signs law to authorize the Chartered state banks to custody Crypto. Telcoin, a cryptocurrency firm co-authored the bill. The Nebraska financial innovation.

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