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Raoul Pal Mentions Cardano, Solana, and Two Additional Ethereum Rivals To Have ‘Super Explosive’ This Cycle


Macro guru Raoul Pal notes Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX) and Terra (LUNA). Then, says they will be super explosive this bull cycle, however there’s one catch.

Furthermore, Raoul Pal mentions during an interview on Real Vision with Ash Bennington,
that Ethereum will go through another bull cycle, noting it will last to June of 2022. Also, Raoul Pal clearly points it will potentially take ETH as far as $40,000.

More so, Raoul Pal reveals also another leading layer-1 crypto assets that will have more explosive run.

So, Raoul Pal explains.
“I think almost certainly till March but possibly to the summer, which will give us higher prices…”
“and a different cycle structure than we’ve seen before. I could be wrong. I’m not betting the entire ranch on it…”

Then, Raoul Pal adds.
“But that’s how I think it plays out. And if I’m right about the network adoption, then these…”
“other layer-1s like Solana, Terra, Avalanche, Cardano, and some of the others are going to be super explosive.”

Furthermore, Raoul Pal has more to say.

“But in a risk-reward basis, they’re riskier. They’re not as deep a network as Ethereum is…”
“Ethereum to me remains the best bet in the world from a risk-adjusted standpoint.”

Then, Raoul Pal concludes.

Lastly, The former Goldman Sachs executive mentions how the current crypto bull market will end. Particularly, as Ethereum begin to threaten Bitcoin’s market cap.
Currently, Ethereum’s market cap is around $523.9 billion while Bitcoin’s is at $1.14 trillion.

“My guess is it gets pretty close to Bitcoin’s market cap…”

Also, this gives an insight to Raoul Pal predictions.

“So, I think it probably in the end somewhere doubles in relative valuation versus Bitcoin…”
“I don’t think the market quite expects that. But maybe that short period of the flippening would…”
“be the end of the cycle, when everybody punches the air, all the Bitcoin guys get pissed…”
“off because Ethereum outperformed, then we get a larger correction.”

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