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Why Is Mainstream Adoption Harmful to Bitcoin’s Price? Goldman Sachs explains

The massive mainstream breakthrough is a “two-edged sword.” According to a recent analysis by Goldman Sachs, this is the case. On the one.

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El Salvador’s bitcoin law should be repealed, according to the IMF

El Salvador’s proposal to make bitcoin legal tender was recommended by the International Monetary Fund’s board of directors, who also called for strict.

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El Salvador’s President Should Be Impeached, According to Nouriel Roubini

Nobel Laureate Nouriel Roubini has increased his criticism of El Salvador President Nayib Bukele, suggesting that he should be impeached for “bankrupting” the.

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El Salvador has decided to purchase the dip

While the crypto market has become extremely fearful, El Salvador President Nayib Bukele wants to keep his head high and sees the situation.

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Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, plans to purchase Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) at today’s low prices

Satoshi Street is once again a massacre, with Bitcoin and Ethereum both losing over 8% of their value. New York City Mayor Eric.

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Web3 Adoption is Boosted by $150 Million Raised by the Near Foundation

According to a Medium post by the Near Foundation, the funds would be used to “accelerate mass adoption of Web3.” So, Kyle Davies,.

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Country, El Salvador’s BTC is witnessing a value erosion of $12 million in public funds

El Salvador was the first country to declare Bitcoin to be a legal tender. However, the decision has not been well received in.

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Regarding institutional crypto adoption In 2022, SBF is ‘optimistic’

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the FTX crypto exchange, believes that the certainty provided by regulators around the world will spur institutional use.

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Lee Jae-Myung, South Korea’s Presidential Candidate, Says “Yes” to Crypto Donations

One of South Korea’s presidential contenders, Lee Jae-Myung, has stated that his campaign will accept crypto assets as donations for the first time.

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President Bukele of El Salvador makes bold Bitcoin predictions for 2022

Enigmatic President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador has made some big forecasts for Bitcoin prices and the cryptocurrency industry in 2022. Nayib Bukele.

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